Changes in Time

December 09, 2014  •  1 Comment

Changes in time...  A parent's perspective.

When my first child was born, my wife and I made it a point to take my son's photo every month.  I mean - get him dressed up in a new outfit, new background, new props, everything.  As many parents, we had the infatuation of a new-born.  We'd send out photos to family and friends every month.  That lasted about 14 months, then it was a little more sporadic.

Unfortunately, once my daughter came along, we didn't make it our priority.  We took her photos for a few months and then time kind of faded into caring for two children.

Children age and they grow at an incredible speed.  Before you know it, they're five years old and having full conversations with you.

My son is about to be 5, and my daughter is 2-and-a-half.

The point is, we as parents see our children on a daily basis.  Depending on how busy you are or how many kids you have, really plays a part in how much we pay attention to their changes - both physically, and emotionally.

I took my kids' photos this weekend for our new 2014 Christmas cards, as we've done for several years now.  But it wasn't until now that I compared last year's photos with this year's photos and thought, "wow, where did the time go".

The changes that my kids have gone through (my daughter especially) are amazing.

I think it's extremely important to have your family/children photographed.  Print those photos and store a tiny moment in time before it's lost forever or only lives on as a blurry memory.

Take a look for yourself at how much my children have changed in one year...




You shared great insight on a topic which many parents experience first-hand. Time does pass far too quickly. How fortunate you are to reflect on this now, when your children are still young. How lucky your children are, that you have taken the time to capture those moments in time with your camera. What beautiful photographs of them both! It's incredible how much they have grown in just one year! Those smiles are priceless!
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